Profile image forLakshmi Grama

Lakshmi Grama


As Associate Director for Dissemination and Digital Communications at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) within the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Lakshmi strives to bring these various disciplines to bear to communicate the results of cancer research to people touched by cancer, their caregivers, and researchers. Her current focus is to make sure NCI’s digital strategy is future-ready given the rapid pace of transformation. Lakshmi’s three graduate degrees in Information Science, Applied Linguistics, and English Literature are the foundation for her work in cancer communications.

News and Events

Why NCI Moved to a Structured Content Model

Wikipedia says that structured content refers to information that’s been broken down and classified using metadata. It can also refer to information that’s been classified using XML or other standard or proprietary forms of metadata. The National Institutes of Health’s National Cancer Institute (NIH/NCI) move to structured

Jul 25, 2013